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(1 edit)

Hey! Saw your post on Facebook and wanted to offer some advice.

The general platforming is fun, the art style is simple but I enjoyed it.

I wish there were a run mode, just because there’s a lot of long hallways. I know any changes to speed would add considerations for the existing levels and jump spacing - Maybe you could increase momentum if you haven’t jumped in awhile?

There was a split where I went into the run hallway but missed some other jump puzzles, it would be nice to be able to get to that checkpoint from the main menu. I tried this, went to the wrong level, accidentally clicked new game and my save was erased. Not a big deal for a demo but something to iron out. Possibly: checkpoints don’t get deleted, and the continue menu has images of each checkpoint.

Really solid for what it is though 🙌

I really am very thankful for you opinion

but I dont get the run mode idea

going back to checkpoints from the continue would ruin the difficulty of getting collectables

I will also add an "are you sure you wantto start a new game" after pressing new game to prevent that from happening